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Estás en HomeCurioblogA Water Whirlpool In Your Garden
 el 1 Sep 2008 por Alicia Rodríguez Mediavilla

A Water Whirlpool In Your Garden

Water could be the core element of an sculpture. That is so, at least, in Charybdis, a work by water sculptor William Pye

Charybdis, vortex water sculpture
Charybdis, vortex water sculpture
Charybdis, vortex water sculpture A vortex water turned into art Charybdis, the biggest vortex water sculpture created by William Pye Skip (2002), another work by William Pye featuring water as core element Minivortex (2001). A small vortex water sculpture
I’m sure that more than once you were spellbound by watching the whirlpool formed by water as it drains down when you remove the plug from your bathtub. Would you like to have one in your garden? That could happen if you commission one to William Pye, the water sculptor. One of his most admired works is just that, a big water vortex sculpture. It is called Charybdis and it can be visited in Seaham Hall, Sunderland (UK.)

Charybdis is a vortex whirlpool, a water sculpture. To achieve the desired effect, the sculpture makes use of a transparent acrylic cylinder, and it is the circular movement of water inside the cylinder what forms an air-core vortex in the centre turning the sculpture into an impressive whirlpool.

It was created in 2000 by William Pye, now also known as the water sculptor, since water is the main material used in his works. He is not the first to create one, but surely one of the greatest.

The name of the sculpture is a tribute to the siren Charybdis, from the Greek mythology; Zeus struck her with a thunderbolt and changed her into a whirlpool whose vortex swallowed up any ship sailing nearby.
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