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You are in Home First International Messy Room Contest

Can I participate even if I’m actually tidy?

Of course you can. This international contest is open to everyone. Anyone can participate. If you yourself are tidy, you can send a photo of a friend’s messy room or of your child’s cluttered room (if you can keep yourself from cleaning up after him long enough to take the photo). It’s easy to participate: just take a photo of any messy room and send it to us.

Why a messy room contest?

The first edition of the International Messy Room Contest purports to become a platform where users can share their most chaotic moments and spaces.

Does it have to be a room? Can’t I send a picture of an office, bathroom or kitchen?

Yes, it has to be a room. Bathrooms and kitchens have greater entropy. We’re very used to messy bathrooms and kitchens. The same is true of offices.

What criteria will the jury apply in order to choose the messiest room?

We’ve done our best to keep the greatest possible number of variables in mind by selecting a multidisciplinary jury. Each member of the jury will determine his/her own personal criteria.

Our team of experts will evaluate just how messy each bedroom is based on the photographs submitted. They will be looking for the most chaotic room. Although they will not evaluate the photograph’s technical quality, it’s obvious that a good photograph can help make the room look even more chaotic.

Who may participate?

The contest is open to everyone, regardless of gender, age or nationality.

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